Congratulations Julia on 3 amazing awards!


Now in the UK!

Directed by Susan Sandler

"And it's great HAVING you back working live. However, you never really stopped working because you've kept us all entertained and laughing throughout quarantine and this whole pandemic. You helped us all keep our sanity through these insane times. Thank goodness for you."
"Will you ever be bringing Julia Scotti back? Forewarn me so I can purchase some Depends for the performance."
"I just gotta say thank you, Julia. When I meditated this morning and journaled about the whole doubt thing I think I finally go tit. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted and I'm just so grateful that you have the perspective to be able to give me such great feedback that I can now see exactly what my block is and what to do about it and even what the next step is. I'm excited to be writing again and to have some things to work out! THANK YOU JULIA!"
"Best show I've ever seen live!"
"Love, Love, LOVE YOU! I was leaking out of my eyes laughing!!"
"We had a blast. Never laughed so hard..Still out of no where we yell..I got nothing!!! lmao."
"Saw you last night (Thanksgiving) at the Borgata... I can't remember the last time I laughed that much that my sides ached."
“I have been going to comedy clubs for over 25 years and last nite was one of the best I HAVE EVER SEEN... not kidding...luv your connection to the audience... omg you are the best...major new fan here, I have had so many calls about you today from people who were there last nite and, people who wished they were."
"You were amazing! I've never laughed so hard! Yes, I was the one with the loud obnoxious laugh, and who thanked you for being my hero!"
"Julia, you were SOOOO funny tonight. Thanks for a great date night with the girls. We laughed until we couldn't breathe anymore. And that's a high compliment. I look forward to seeing you work the room again."
"Last night you made me laugh the most I’ve laughed ever at a show. You’re the funniest lady ever!!! Thank you for a great night of never ending laughs! We’re still laughing!!!
“I think we’re all still laughing from last Friday—thank you Julia! I know many people were asking “Where did you find her? What a perfect night for my Dad.”
"I laughed my Freakin Ass off tonight and you're the reason my pants don't fit right anymore. You owe me a pair of Jeans. The truth, thank you for making me laugh. You were better than good, you were GREAT."
"Omg if you have never seen this lady live then you better because Julia Scotti tore it up last night! She's amazing!"
"I wanna thank you again for the outstanding job you did for us a few months back at the Hungarian Club. Because of you, last nights show was in the big room! I will definitely have you back again!!!!"
"Julia, you KILLED! Am I surprised? No, not at all...funny, strong, powerful material...thanks for being a part of our event!"
“Your wonderful humor, delivery and rapport with our audience made the evening a wonderful experience."
“Your performance at our awards banquet was outstanding. They were not only smiling, they were holding their sides and wiping away tears of laughter. You were great!”
“Our party was a great success and we have you to thank for it! Our customers are still talking about the event and laughing at your lines”
“YOU were so hilarious tonite! There are very few female comedians who have got it all, and by George, you’ve GOT IT ALL!!! What a fantastic night. I support live comedy as much as I can and I know a good comedian when I see one. Thank you again!!!”
“Julia, we saw you last night in Hamilton and you were FABULOUS! By far the best comedian of the night and just a joy to experience. Keep it up... you have new fans here in NJ!”
"You were FANTASTIC as usual. We had such a great time. I never laughed so hard."